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Nos témoignages clients

Lissan provides great design and has a great sense of user experience and aesthetics. He delivers on time and is an overall great communicator. I highly recommend working with him.
Client headshot
Mara Nikolic

Founder,  Mara99

He will exceed your expectations. Super easy to work with Lissan, incredibly intelligent, and perceptive. He took the fumbled thoughts from my head and turned it all into a beautiful creation. I am very impressed, Lissan is extremely talented and attentive. He delivered exactly what I was looking for based on my very picky taste. I plan on doing business again in the future.
Client headshot
Danaisa Urgelles

Medical Doctor, BHField

Lissan is clearly a very talented designer. The project went smoothly, and we're happy with the outcome!
Client headshot
Kam Malik

Managing Director, LeadSense

Lissan is an amazing designer, delivered on time and communicated well. I asked for a few revisions after the initial concept and he got updates back to me just 24-hours later. Fully intend to hire again in the future.
Client headshot
Kate Bagoy

Principal Product Designer

Amazing designer with an eye for aesthetics. I had pretty vigorous requests and he hit every single one. He was patient and highly skilled!
Working with Lissan is always smooth and full of empathy. The project is very high quality, and has been done in a tight schedule. I recommend working with Lissan if you want to get a fast and pro service.
Client headshot
Vincent Arrouet

Co-founder,  Sunology

Excellent Webflow Development Service I recently had the pleasure of working with lissan on a Webflow development project, and I must say that I am thoroughly impressed with the level of service that I received. Really great! Thanks
Client headshot

Co-Founder,  Evvvolution

Great designer as I love his work. Produced a great design with little time, tho would love to see what he can do with a proper heads up on a project.
Client headshot
Harbik Davidyan

Founder,  Webk Agency

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